5 Books that every iOS developer must read

2 min readJan 23, 2021

iOS Development is a field that has skyrocketed over the years and is continuing to increase its reach every year, with apple’s new M1 chip Mac’s and future intel to mac transition, the number of developers is bound to increase. According to the report, nearly 71% of iOS users spend more money than Android users and generally has more developers as well. So now might be the best chance to read some technical as well as motivational books.

1: Living by the code — By Enrique

Top developers, innovators from both android and iOS world share their experience and career advice in this book, Frankly, this book has been life-changing as a personal motivator for me to start creating my own apps.

2: Push Notifications By Tutorials — By Scott Grosch

There won't be any other book that goes into push notifications as this book did, has been my go-to guide for notifications, The plus side of this book is it's always updated from time to time.

3: Hello Startup — By Yevgeniy Brikman

This book is highly knowledgeful regarding how a startup works, It takes you from hiring to an organisation, building the team, in short, I would call it startup 101 guides.

4: Soft Skills — By John Sonmez

Just Like technical skills, soft skills are essential parts of our profession, and this book covers exactly the same, This book covers all aspects such as marketing, finance, productivity and self-learning as a developer this is essential triats.

5: Dive into Sprit Kit — by Paul Hudson

There are very few resources well written and easy to follow as this book, which is the only up to date book as of 2021 for sprite kit. Sprite Kit is Apple’s native framework to create drawings and battery efficient 2d games.

